Sunday, October 22, 2006

36 weeks: false labor

I'm happy to say, the nesting is complete. Last minute purchases such as diapers and baby soap have been integrated into the house. The nursery is ready. For more pictures of the nursery click here. Everything seems to be organized. We are now materially ready for his arrival.

My body is starting to get me physically ready, whether I like it or not. Last week both our birthing coach and our practitioner asked if I was experiencing any Braxton-Hicks, or false labor, contractions yet. To both of their surprise, I hadn't. Well, not a day later, I did. I guess the power of suggestion took over. To those of you without the pregnancy experience, these contractions are nothing to worry about and painless. They are just the uterus's way of practicing for the real thing.

Our birthing coach said something interesting recently. Apparently the uterus could have the baby all by itself without any help. So if I were paralyzed or in a coma, uterine contractions would eventually push the baby out. There is nothing I can do about it, this baby is going to come out! That's pretty incredible.

So the next question is whether we are ready emotionally. Definitely! Our Bradley birthing classes have given us more information than we need to know about labor, easing much anxiety about the big day. And of course, we cannot wait to meet the little boy we've been blessed with. I can't wait to see his little face, his little hands and feet. Is he going to have that little pocket of fat that sits on top of a baby's foot? I hope so!


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